This is my blog of my travels in Japan (starting in the spring of 2005)

Monday, September 03, 2007

Business Hours

I think Japan is a good country, but something they do here are just insane. Japanese love rules and following them. The like to make guidelines. They love to give the customer all the information they might need. But I see it as a bit annoying/confusing as well as pointless. Here is my most recent example.

So, you want to go to the "Osaka Museum of Housing and Living" right? (say "yes" for the purpose of this post!). Well, lets pick up the information pamphlet and check out their hours of operation! (the following quote is taken directly from an information guide)

"CLOSED: Tuesday (Wednesday if Tuesday is a national holiday). Days following national holidays (Except when the holiday is Sunday). The 3rd Monday of each month (Following Wednesday when Monday is a Holiday). Dec 29-Jan 3rd. *Regardless of the above, the museum will be open on April 29, May 3-5. **The Museum may also be closed occasionally on other days."

WHAT?! So wait, is it open on the Tuesday following the 3rd Monday if the moon was full after 6pm? What if there are more then 6 clouds in the southern sky?...then is it closed? I mean COME ON JAPAN! Does anyone else think this is a bit crazy?


Blogger Mark said...

You went all of August without blogging. I purposefully went all of august without checking your blog in hopes that there would be a lot of reading. Geez. Anyway, I heard there was a state fair here awhile ago. In sports news, my favorite wide receiver ripped it up...only for the wrong team. We traded KG for Boston High's entire JV team. I believe the twins are working on trading both Mauer and Santana to your baseball team for your catcher, a dog with a shirt on and a years supply of HGH. Ok, I'm not bitter. Oh yeah, and Gaborik is being traded for a puck autographed by wayne gretzky. Yeah, I just used your blog to vent.

1:10 PM


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