This is my blog of my travels in Japan (starting in the spring of 2005)

Thursday, April 07, 2005

Osaka Parking Lot

Osaka Parking Lot
Originally uploaded by mtstaffa.
Somewhere in this tower are peoples cars! It is about 10 stories high and wide enough for one maybe two cars (note the car coming out for a scale reference). To park you car, simply drive your car up to the door, get out and then a nice worker comes, punches in some numbers into a panel and the door opens and he takes you car in there and it dissapears. I literally sat by this (it is on my way to work) and watched a lot of cars go in, i dont know where they go, but they can handle a lot of them. I thought they would also go below, but the train line runs directly underneath it. So i think they shrink them and stack them in the tower...only to add water later and expand them when the owner of the car wants his/her car back.


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