This is my blog of my travels in Japan (starting in the spring of 2005)

Thursday, April 21, 2005


Originally uploaded by mtstaffa.
Everyone knows that there is a generalization that Japanese people are smaller in size then other societies. Well, besides being small themselves...everything else here is tiny. Food portions are smaller, cars are smaller, and soda (pop) cans are smaller. I mean, c'mon...i want to have a Coke after a day of work but what is 5oz gonna do? Its just a tease.

Today, Mark Terwey and i walked around Osaka and we went into McDonalds. We were both surprised that there are 2 sizes of drinks. Nothing odd about that, but when Mark asked for a large, she said they dont have large. Only medium and small. So.....wouldnt the medium then graduate to the "large" status and the small can stay "small"? Why do they call their largest size beverage a "medium"? This was a problem that Mark and I talked about but couldnt find an answer.


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