This is my blog of my travels in Japan (starting in the spring of 2005)

Tuesday, May 03, 2005


The Essentials
Originally uploaded by mtstaffa.
Well May 1st came and went in its usual party fashion. I met up with my one cool roommate and a group of japanese friends and we went to a "Mexican" restuarant. They did have fajitas, but they also had those microwave burritos that you get for a dollar at a gas station...and they offered that as a meal. And i tried to order in Spanish and they had no idea what i was saying. Yeah, really Mexican. I do have some funny pics of my japanese friends wearing a sombrero.

Then we went to a gaijin bar called the Pig and Whistle. It was a blast and the tequila was flowing. After that we walked past the Thai prostitutes and entered another bar called a "280"...where everything is 280yen. That is when the presents came out. I got some good ones. A bottle of white Australian wine, a gesture book (the japanese have over 150 unique hand gestures), a random japanese "magezine" and then my favorite gift...."Making Out in Japanese"! This book is my golden possession.

AND...the book might come in handy. On the train ride home i put my japanese skills to use. As many of you know, my friends have been teaching me a sentence a day. Recently (maybe for the last 2 weeks) the sentences have been focused (not by my choice) on picking up the ladies. I have learned to ask "do you want to go have a drink", "are you free right now?", "what is your cell phone number" among others. Minutes before our crew got off the train at our stop i decided (in my liquid courage state) to ask the random (and cute) girl next to me how her night was going. I then used all the Japanese i had...and within 2 minutes i walked off the train with her cell phone number! I will let you know how things go with Noriko (the train hottie).


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