This is my blog of my travels in Japan (starting in the spring of 2005)

Monday, April 03, 2006


What is this website about?! I just read up on it, check it out. Pretty crazy. Click on the title of this post or put this link in your browser.

let me know if you have heard about this before.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kansas first went wacko when they decided to ban evolution from being taught in public high schools. They repealed that Act, and now are trying(cant remember if its been voted on yet)to get Intelligent Design taught in public schools as an alternative to evolution. Since Intelligent Design is junk science, a group desiring to expose it, as such, came up with the idea of using Intelligent Designs junk own theories to prove that the actual intelligence behind the design was a giant ball of spaghetti hurtling through space. Since ID's arguments are of the type which are flimsy, at best, and only strength comes from them not being able to be disproven, the cult of the GSB is attempting to ridicule the movement into going away.

How is that....?

5:08 PM


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