This is my blog of my travels in Japan (starting in the spring of 2005)

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Most Random Day

Most Random Day
Originally uploaded by mtstaffa.
Today was a random day. There were 3 unique experiences I had today. Not all of which i fully understood. Today's fun/odd experience number one. I went to church. I saw a building near my apartment with a cross on it. I saw a sign with a time, 11pm Sunday. So today i walked in. Wow. It was a bit different. I had to take my shoes off and put on slippers. I was greeted by everyone there and there were a few confusing looks. The total number of black hair parishioners: 18. The number of blonde haired parishioners: 1. They had to stop the service half way through to make sure i was on the right page. Sure minister, like i know what im doing with a Japanese Bible. But i faked it well. Yes, he was not a priest. It must have been either some Protestant church or an Ecumenical one. Not sure, didnt ask....didnt know how to.

Then, i went to an audition for Universal Studios Japan. I was asked to audition for the Fire Chief part for the ride "Backdraft" at Universal Studios. Apparently they are running short of blondes here. It was so odd. I thought i was on American Idol. I had my head shot taken. I had to fill in a form (not sure what they wanted, but i told them my age, phone number and height in Cm). Then i went into this room, not kidding...4 japanese guys (one with a camera). I was told to stand behind a piece of tape and introduce myself. C'mon Japanese skills, do you best! That part was done, then they told me to grab (an imaginary) firehose and rescue a small child in a building. Ha. So i did it, but i was laughing in my mind at the sheer randomness of what i was i was told to act a bit more serious. Sorry Simon Cowell. After that, i was told i would be called. Right, and my people will have lunch with their people. Sure sure.

Then, i went home. And who do i run into, not sure but he is huge. There were 4 sumo wrestlers on my train. They were massive. There is a tournament in Osaka (it happens once a year). I asked for a pic and they laughed and said sure.

So that was my random day. Japanese Jesus, Saving invisible burning babies and smacking sumo wrestlers.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love sumo. Do you know which ones?

10:28 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL, i'm sorry, but in any situation...could you seriously act like a normal person? I know i couldn't if my life depended on it. I'd laugh my butt off. ^^ Don't tick the sumos off!

11:15 PM


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