This is my blog of my travels in Japan (starting in the spring of 2005)

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Audrey III

Audrey III
Originally uploaded by mtstaffa.
FEED ME! I got a Venus Fly Trap (a.k.a. Dionaea muscipula) the other day. I fed it a beetle that was dumb enough to land on me. It is quite interesting how fast it closes it's trap. Apparently the warmer and more humid the weather, the faster it closes. Needless to say, it is rather muggy here, so the trap is lightning fast.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad to see you are still alive.

3:54 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey. i was wondering if you can buy something from japan for me and i can pick it up at the fair or something. I need 4 of those mosquito racket things. i think i showed you mine once...its like a small tennis racket with wires. your gf probably knows where you can find them and i think it should be easy to find as they were just down the street in
ikoma. they were 400 yen a piece. If she doesn't know where any are i can have my friend in ikoma pick them up and meet you in osaka sometime but its prob easiest to just find them on your own as i think they're
pretty common. and im pretty sure they won't let you take them in carry on luggage so if you don't have a bag to check then don't worry about it....or if you forget or don't care enough that's fine too. and a funny story if i didn't tell you already. my parents wanted some when they
were there so we went to the store but it was winter so they were
stored away. so i had to act out myself trying to kill mosquitoes
by swinging my arms through the air. the old lady thought it was
funny and then she goes "oooh. raket"

im back home
ps, i tried to email this to you but apparently you changed your address.

4:17 AM


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