This is my blog of my travels in Japan (starting in the spring of 2005)

Tuesday, November 07, 2006


Originally uploaded by mtstaffa.
Baseball Update: My team is now one of the top 4 teams in Osaka. (in a 25 team league). We had a game last Sunday and won 5-3. I batted 1000% with one hit and a walk with two stolen bases.

We have the semi-final game next Sunday. Then if we win, the Championship game the following week.

What is great about this league is that we sometimes play in small parks, and other times we play in stadiums like Midway Stadium where the St. Paul Saints play. It's a great atmosphere. Playing baseball in a playoff game in a foreign country with communcation problems, but expectations that being an American i should be good at baseball, has put me in one of the most stressful/nervous situations of my life. It sounds odd, but when everyone is watching what the "blonde haired" kid does, it kinda gets to you. But it sure is fun!

Go Hitension!


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