This is my blog of my travels in Japan (starting in the spring of 2005)

Tuesday, August 23, 2005


Originally uploaded by mtstaffa.
If I die for writting this, please distribute my belongings equally. (nothing goes to my roommate though). I have just read the newspaper and found some exciting news. There is a new guy in town. Actually not in my town, but in the city of Kobe which is 20 mins by train away.

The Yakuza (Japanese Mafia) have elected a new Supreme Clan Lord (equal to "the Don" in the Italian Mafia). Rumor has it Yoshinori Watanabe is a bad ass. And you kinda have to be to head up the Japanese Mafia. This is the mafia where if you do anything to dishonor yourself or the clan, you have to cut off your own pinky finger and mail it to the Supreme Clan Lord. If you mess up again, cut off another finger. What does this Supreme clan guy do with all these fingers anyway? I'd hate to be his mailman. "You have a package today sir." says the trembling mailman...."Oh, thanks i guess." says an annoyed Supreme Crime Lord.

Here is the news brief bio about him.

"When you see a photo of Yoshinori Watanabe, you just know that he could never have become anything but a Yakuza chieftan. He has a body like a gorilla, a face that reveals a sharp, calculating intelligence that most of us could only dream of possessing, and laser beam eyes that cut right through you."

Now he is the head guy. Apparently there is quite the ceremony to swear him in. All the Yakuza leaders are coming in from around town to see this guy take the helm of a mafia that has its fingers into everything. Even busses.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dude, you answered the question, yourself.

"are coming in from around town to see this guy take the helm of a mafia that has its FINGERS into everything"

4:03 AM


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