This is my blog of my travels in Japan (starting in the spring of 2005)

Friday, November 11, 2005

What is the reason?

I understand that the way the body deals with various injuries or diseases happen for a reason. You cut your finger and blood rushes to the cut and special cells clot the hole and the white cells get to work. Or you bruise something and red blood cells come in and pack the area bringing nutrients and oxygen rich blood. You sneeze to get rid of "junk" in your system. And you shit, shit. But why on earth do humans get stiff necks? What is the point of that. I recently ended a four day stint with a stiff neck. Why? I dunno. Stiff necks are as usefull as waterproof tea bags, and just as dumb.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

How old are you? mayeb time for a better pillow... :)

2:02 AM

Blogger Mark said...

I think the muscles usually get sore because they are in a strange position for a long time. If they are not stretched out they bunch up. The pain is your body's way of telling you to stretch, quit your job, and/or get a massage from some J girl. That will be five dollars please...or 3000 yen hahahaa. Ok that was a joke about japans economy for you sheltered ones.

1:23 AM


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