This is my blog of my travels in Japan (starting in the spring of 2005)

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Breaking News!

Breaking News!
Originally uploaded by mtstaffa.
Hit the decks folks. There is a tsunami coming to Japan! Cover the windows, buy a generator. Get some Powerbar's for emergency food. CNN is currently reporting that a 16 inch tsunami has just struck Japan. How are the words "16 inch", "tsunami" and "struck" used in the same sentence?

I'm sick of the media taking stories that have not evolved into legit newsworthy stories, and just blow them up in the Media. Does the world really need to know that a 16 inch wave has crashed onto the beaches of Japan? Are the fungi and kelp supposed to heed CNN's warning and evolve legs and flea?

As I write this, I hope in the future this story does not turn out to be something worse, then I will really look bad.

Follow up, CNN just reported a second 8inch tsunami has hit Japan. I'm in a shelter as I type this, wearing bubble wrap and a hockey mask for protection.


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