This is my blog of my travels in Japan (starting in the spring of 2005)

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

No Thank You

No Thank You
Originally uploaded by mtstaffa.
Most of my friends know that i don't like seafood. Well, add this nibble food to the list. "Nuts and Fish"? Excuse me? Look at this picture. How random of a mix is that. I cant even imagine being a vendor at a baseball game. Here is what i can understand...and as you read it you will realize the ease in speaking it as it rolls off your tongue.

"Popcorn, get your popcorn." ....good ring to it i think.

"Peanuts, get your peanuts." ....ah the classic call from the isles of a ball park.

now try this.....
"Nuts and Fish, get your Nuts and Fish (died, old and small in a bag) Nuts and Fish."

I see this collection of randomness as "leftovers" in a giant warehouse. Here is how it went.

"Hey Takashi, we ran out of bags for the nuts but we still have some nuts left.
"Yah Hideki, I still have some mini dried fish left and a few extra bags too. Why don't you just throw those extra nuts in with these fish and we will call it a mix."
"Sounds like a plan Takashi"

And people say that Japanese food is the best food in the world. HA.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am SO sending that out to everyone, and posting it in MY journal.

4:08 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

In case you are looking for something to do, I listed my blog here.

9:26 AM


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