This is my blog of my travels in Japan (starting in the spring of 2005)

Sunday, May 29, 2005


Originally uploaded by mtstaffa.
On average there are eight restaurants per person in Osaka. In almost all of those places, a patron can order a beer. But if one did the statistics on how many places in Osaka (or Japan for that matter) where beer can be purchased, that number would be absurd. You do not even need to make eye contact with anyone to get a nice cold beer. There are beer vending machines on most street corners! What a glorious idea. You can buy a quick 6oz can, or drink for the long haul and get a 1.5 liter can. And yes there are legal drinking ages, but i didnt see anywhere to scan a license to prove your age. So if you are in need of a cold one, simply put in a coin and press the button! Unfortunately, vending machines do not cut you off when you have had too many. Some of the old men here wonder around in suits completely drunk looking for a vending machine.


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