This is my blog of my travels in Japan (starting in the spring of 2005)

Monday, October 24, 2005

Mui Ne

Mui Ne
Originally uploaded by mtstaffa.
This is Mui Ne. On Wed i'm going to Kuala Lumpur for 2 days to see the Petronas Towers (2nd tallest buildings in the world). Then i'm off to Vietnam for 8 days. For the first 2 days I will be in Ho Chi Min for 2 days to see the Viet Kong tunnels from the war and some other touristy things, but then the main place i am going to is Mui Ne. It is 3 hours drive from Ho Chi Min and well, it doesnt look so bad! White sandy beaches, blue waters and 80 - 90 degree weather! Cant wait!

Friday, October 21, 2005

stupid finger

Is it possible to jam a finger in your sleep? A month or so ago i dislocated my finger playing Australian Rules Football. As of yesterday i thought it was at 99% strength. But today when i woke up, it hurt to bend it. (im editing this post and using the word "hurt" to not freak out my parents). So bascially the only way was if my punk roommate came in and slammed my finger in a door while i was asleep or i rolled over on it and jammed it. Either cause would be kinda odd dont you think?

Monday, October 17, 2005

some help for the needy

For those of you you are new to this whole internet thing, for my last post if you want to read the news article i was talking about simply click on the blue title to the post. Notice how that title is blue and the rest are white. That will bring you to the news article. Enjoy!

Sunday, October 16, 2005

The Japanese are a smart bunch....

This is so Japanese. So naive. This short post is not to be mean towards them as a whole, but i think most people would agree that the Japanese are a herd society. When the crosswalk light is red and i decide to cross anyway, they all follow me like sheep. What they fail to do is look both ways (like a sensible person would do) and then they get confused when a taxi comes roaring down the mini street blaring his horn. They do things in packs. There really is safety in numbers. Individually they are smart people, but when you put them together in front of some sort of authority figure, they loose all street smarts they might possess. Take this article as an example. My favorite part of the story is that the guide told them that their offering was too small!

I will be leading "tours" for the next few days, i will let you know how it goes.

Saturday, October 15, 2005

The Devil Exists!

The Devil Exists!
Originally uploaded by mtstaffa.
Sometimes I just carry my camera around. Its a big camera, but that is ok. Sometimes its worth it. And just like the gold diggers of '49 thought, sometimes you just get lucky. A few days ago, i got lucky. I was at a friends place and i saw this.

The Devil

Yes, she is 4 or so. She likes to throw things (at Christians i imagine) and she really likes to "share" M&M's.

She tried to call on her demonic buddies with the pitches so high i thought i had the ears of a dog. It was truly amazing the lungs this little devil had.

I also thanked the parents for clarifying her immortal role in this existance by putting on her devil horns and making her wear red. It really cleared things up for me. The Japanese are so thoughtful.

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Staffa's sign

Staffa's sign
Originally uploaded by mtstaffa.
Ok, so I promised pictures from my wild night in the streets after the Hansin Tigers won the pennant. Well here is one, and if you click on this picture, you will be taken to my account with some more pictures.

There are pictures of the police in riot gear. The marched at us like a Roman army at 3am to force everyone disperse. It was a sight to see. There was a guy in a tiger suit, another guy with no pants running around. It was insane. And a blast. Enjoy! If we win the whole thing, it will be even crazier!

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Funny English

A few of my friends went out drinking the other night and we decided to try to find a new bar instead of the local hangout. We went though a more ritzier area of town, an area which turned out to be the hub for Hostess bars. People are outside handing out fliers to entice you to enter. Here is what one flier said...."The Evening party was built and the shop of a new sense that there was no female staff in the concept before was built." um? We didnt go in. Any idea what it means!?


This is a quick post to say congrats to my boys back in MN for winning the Division 3 title in the US Footy National tournament. I was their at the very start of this season before i left for Japan and i have stayed in touch with them. I know they played hard and as a team, and their success was well deserved. Congrats!

Saturday, October 01, 2005

Crazy Night (extra)

Pictures will take a few days, they are on a friends camera.

And another story from the night that i forgot to mention. So i am learning japanese....not the intellectual stuff, mainly how to talk to ladies. The problem is that Japanese is a hard language, and when one is drunk, its even harder to speak least correctly that is. Last night i tried to tell a girl she was cute. Here is what i said instead "Your face is scary." That is not a good pick-up line regardless of cultures. She seemed surprised (i would be) but at that time i didnt realize why, so dumbass me repeated it, probably 3 or 4 times. Only then to realize my faux pas.

To justify (if at all) my mistake. The word 'cute' in Japanese sounds like "ka-wi-ee". The word 'scary' sounds like "ka-wii". C'mon, a few beers and they sound the same to me. Needless to say, i didnt get any digits from her.